I am Brazilian, Bachelor of Ciência da Computação
(Science of Computation or Computer Science) from Universidade Federal de
Goiás - UFG, and high school
Técnico em Telecomunicações (Technician on Telecommunications) from Escola Técnica Federal de Goiás
(at present Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Goiás - CEFET-GO).
I am and
was always passionate by Electronics,
Mathematics, Computation
in general, Music and
Then, inspired by some these passions,
I have designed and constructed the
- Simulador de Controlador Lógico
Programável, a non-commercial project of a simulator system of Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC),
for purpose to aid learning and simulation of the concepts and fundamental principles
of the electro-electronic logical programmable controls, and I've created too
a little
and simple
high-level language for program it, the
Linguagem de Comandos Elétricos (Electric Commands
Language) - LCE.
The PLCs
are ones essential and fundamental equipments for functioning of the
modern industrial installations, what right away is sufficient motivation
to study them. In addition, I believe too that they will can become very
significant as well in the commercial and household worlds, at enough
simplified, cheap and small versions to become viable embedded or boarded
into, for example, households electric appliances, vehicles,
professional equipments, till more advanced games and toys.
Other informations concerning the SimuPLC
and the LCE at page below: